Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beautiful Wednesday

Greeting readers! Bet you all have noticed the layout had been changed, like finally. I had been a little annoyed with the previous one because you have to click it in to view the post whereby some might not know how to do it. Changed to a new layout with the hope of getting more readers and generate greater passion in writing.

Rise & shined on a beautiful Wednesday morning and attended the tea-meeting with the president. He came the way to Perak campus just to give us some tips in job hunting, things to take note during interview and etc. Had the honor to snap a picture with him & he seems to be friendly to everyone although this is only the second time I met him throughout my degree life. The first time I saw him was in PJ campus while I went there to attend a business plan writing workshop. An engineer that became the president of a university, interesting.

The President.

That's for now and I shall off to my nap time. Cheerios.

God Bless. Farewell.


Hilda Milda™ said...

New layout and new blog name (: Definitely a good way of starting afresh! Maybe you can be the next president *cough* (;

Kevin said...

Rare visitor commenting on my blog :) Hahahha.. Thanks, I don't want to be the next president. I just want to get into the Top 10 Malaysia Richest Man, perhaps? hahaha..

Xue Ren said...

nice layout! looking choco! =P

Kevin said...

Thanks Alien :) The old one was a little too troublesome for visitors that's why took some effort change into a new one.

huiyi said...

GOOD layout man...
introduce some cute layout
for me leh~
mine one is old le lor