Greeting readers! ♥ How's October been treating you people so far? Well, tomorrow it's the official commencement of the new semester already. It's like oh, it's here finally! I'm so looking forward it as new semester equals to new knowledge enhancement opportunity and also new challenges awaits me. This coming semester only have 3 papers but then for sure I'm going to be more busy than as usual. Few nights back spent some quality time looking at the blueprint of my personal grand plan & did some slight modifications that requires me to commit into few things in coming months and it's seriously crucial that I have to complete it. A lot of planning sometimes might train your brain into a little hardcore usage but it may also harm you when it can gives you insomnia. So, please take my advice that is - do not think much while you're lying on the bed before you sleep. Ha-ha!
So, results was released few days ago and the same as usual our university portal was down that have made all my university mates to feel nervous & start swearing & cursing upon it, I supposed. I got to say I used to be one of them but then I'm no longer like that though. Thank God. The night the results were out, I slumbered into my bed at 12am sharp and I fell asleep eventually. I woke up at 5am plus to try logging in and again, no luck so I'm back to my dreamland. The next very morning, I was awoke by a call then I tried logging into the portal and this time it works. Checked my results and looked at the pointers, then done. No particular feelings. Called dad to inform him about the results and was on the phone with him for half an hour plus basically speaking about the results. The phone call kinda ruin my mood for the day; while the results made my day.
Only two types of feeling that students can have in them after the release of results. It is either happy or sad. I wouldn't want to put it as "sad" but rather is the feeling of cannot accept that fact that the moment we look at the results, perhaps. For those who done well in exam, I congratulate you people sincerely from the bottom of my heart. For those who are not satisfy with what they get in their results, I would say do not give up but continue the path with stronger determination and willpower. The grades you get in exam is just an outcome of testing how much have your familiarize yourself with the paper only. It does not bring much meaning already.
Possessing good results does not mean you are successful while getting average results does not means you are going to have a stable life in the future and getting poor results need not indicate you are going to have a shitty condition. Bill Gates was a university drop-out and now he is second richest man in the world. (Previously, he is the richest man in the globe! He donated most of his monies to The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for charity purposes). See, do not jump the gun too soon, people!
Realizing what really rule the world today makes me feel uncertain. In today's world, it is no longer power or authority that rule today's world but is MONEY. It is so sad to know how money can make human being as a slave. Where ever we go today, it is all about money only. It takes the price of a Mini Cooper to complete a master degree solely on the course fees in UK without taking the daily expenses into account. If taking all the expenses that one ordinary human being must-have expenses into consideration, it may take the price of a BMW 5 Series to complete the tertiary education as a whole. (This is not inclusive of shopping, ha-ha!)
Isn't it pathetic that human being got to work terribly hard all they can and tighten their belt just for a bloody paper (a master degree certificate). Another point of view, I couldn't understand why people nowadays keep stressing the importance of getting your education from UK while not many can afford it. Don't you think it is real silly? Do they think they really can secure a job with a UK master degree in their career path? I personally think it would rather be another ladder-climbing process start from the lowest part of the ground in an organization even you possess a world-class certificate. It makes no different from where you come from, but it does matter that who you are, in today's world. That is the reason why many billionaires today might not be properly educated and yet they are in the list of Top 500 richest man in the world. Education does not equal to success while success may not equals to being super-rich in your terms. Different people with different dreams to chase and achieve. Do not limit yourself and keep moving forward is the key!
Enough said, I supposed. That's for today, people.
God Bless. ♥
Thanks for your sharing. i'd read from the 1st until the last word. haha.
Wish u goood day, kevin ! All the best & Good Luck !
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.~Matthew 6:24
"mammon" here doesn't mean money only but also can be whatever has main privilege to you, etc study, love, entertainment...
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