Greeting people. I didn't sleep for the whole night due to both happy and unhappy things happened at the same time. I decided not to sleep or even take a nap as I am waiting my baby to wake up then I could go look for her. Well, coming back to the unhappy thing that happened is something got to do with my very best friend - Benny. I didn't want to mention anything that is not good that have already passed but I would like to emphasize one thing is perhaps I was over-reacted but I hope, you after knowing me for quite some time, I assumed you already know who is KEVIN^N-G and the way, the style, the rule that I am into. I can assured you NOTHING will ever change our friendship. I also hope you understand me as well. That is all I want to say. You know I will be away for many days, I just hope by the time I am back some where next week, things are back to the normal way like what we were. Alright? Benny, if you are reading this, I apologized if I ever do anything or said anything that hurt your feeling.
Next is, I will be heading back to my baby's home town after my Accounting lecture class later. I am not very sure the exact day I am coming back because we have some plans (perhaps quite many) when we are back to her hometown. I just hope the time is sufficient for us to make all our plans work well. I will be taking lots of photos and post it here if I remember.
baby is concentrating in class. <3>