Friday, March 11, 2011

Rainy Day

Hello readers, I hope each and everyone of you are doing well and fine no matter where ever you are at right now. Today have been an unproductive day; thanks to the nice and cozy weather in the early morning then start pouring the whole afternoon and it's still drizzling right now out there. It is always good to hide under the blanket and watching drama series in such a nice weather, perhaps my motivation tends to go on vacation on rainy day. Life has been good, I supposed. Everything is fine although a little stressed out recently due to the workloads piling up and I'm not really giving them timely attention, at least not until the deadline is approaching. Getting more and more comments from friends that they have not seen me in the campus recently. Oh well, perhaps did not spend much time around the campus when there is not any classes on. I used to be around the campus very often, almost everyday. Be it for hiding in the library or for other purposes, I will be there.

So, what have I been up to lately? I wouldn't say I'm busy searching for jobs but not denying that I would welcome jobs offer with open hand. Last few weeks, KLK Berhad came to my campus conduct a small talk and let soon-to-be graduates to go for the interview for different positions. I went to few of my friends and also attended the interview. After 1 week plus, I got a notification from my university officers that I have to attend the second interview at D216A. So, I went to Block D in the early morning. Guess what, I couldn't find D216A after being almost 3 years studying here because I didn't know D216A is inside D216 it was the deans and deputy deans office in D216. Oh man, I was a little nervous at first, thinking that it might be a prank but it is not possible that it called directly from the university main line number. Sigh, my mood was a little affected by then and was planning to go back until I met the one of the interviewee as well. Only 4 persons was there to interviewed for the second round. Overall, I'm satisfied with my performance during the second interview, much better than the first one of course. I do not know how is the outcome would be but I surrendered it to God and let Him to lead the way for me. Personally, I would say I will have prove to others that my university life is not wasted and it had built me into a person. 56 days more to the end of the semester, supposedly. Another new chapter of life may begin soon or it will be an extended one depending on the situation. No matter what, this 56 days are meant for me cherish the remaining days in the undergraduate life.

Well, nothing much to write about and I guess it's time that I shall stop here and rest early for an entrepreneurship talk tomorrow in the morning. May God bless all of us. My thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese victims that suffered the earthquake and Tsunami.


Saw this nice heart shape cake in Secret Recipe :)

Had Mutton + Octopus Curry Rice after the interview

Eclipse, that keeps me going.


Raw Oyster FTW

My hair-do products :)

Good night. God Bless. Adios~


Unknown said...

Ur uni life is far exciting than what u have told me ^ ^
Good 4 u able 2 find a job. I am still struggling 2 fund intern employment.

Hilda Milda™ said...

Drool at the japanese food YUMSSS

xamuel chng said...

y so fast to work after graduate wor?
must go club enough enough 1st mah~ haha
anyway.. congat bro.. i think u will b success in ur 2nd interview too..